Our Team of Dedicated Ambassadors
TeamWWF Ambassadors are motorsports professionals who align with TeamWWF’s mission of enhancing the motorsport community.
Ambassadors are selected to work closely with the foundation and not only promote and fundraise for their careers.
TeamWWF prides itself on selecting the best drivers, not only on the track but also off the track. They are a direct reflection of our mission. Our driver ambassadors are hand-selected by the team through a rigorous selection process that includes both an application and an interview. These ambassadors are selected not only for their ability to represent the foundation and its mission but also for their strong moral values and outstanding personalities. They truly embody our principles, serving as the proof in the pudding of our organization’s impact and values.
Upon selection, Ambassadors receive the following:
- A biography page on the TeamWWF website. This will backlink to their social media platforms, websites, and personal QR Code Fundraiser page through Givebutter.
- Patches for driver’s suits, bags, etc.
- TeamWWF apparel, when available
- Digital copy of the TeamWWF logo for car placement and other promotional purposes